Introduction 前言











专题讲座: 开始以专题形式讲解基本真理,帮助新信主的弟兄姐妹打好基础。

系统查经: 之后通过系统的查经,深入理解圣经的主要内容和教义。

小组讨论: 通过小组讨论,促进学员之间的互动和思想交流。

应用实践: 鼓励学员将圣经教导应用到实际生活中,并分享实践经验。






  • 主题大纲



    1. 神的独一性:圣经教导我们,只有一位真神(申命记6:4)。

    2. 神的全能:神无所不能,祂创造了天地万物(创世记1:1)。

    3. 神的全知:神知道一切,包括我们的心思意念(诗篇139:1-4)。

    4. 神的圣洁:神是完全圣洁的,毫无瑕疵(以赛亚书6:3)。


    1. 创造:人是按神的形象造的(创世记1:27)。

    2. 堕落:亚当和夏娃的犯罪导致全人类陷入罪中(创世记3章)。

    3. 后果:罪的结果是与神隔绝,并带来死亡(罗马书6:23)。


    1. 耶稣基督的降生:神爱世人,差遣祂的独生子耶稣基督降生为人(约翰福音3:16)。

    2. 耶稣的受难与复活:耶稣为我们的罪被钉死在十字架上,第三天复活(哥林多前书15:3-4)。

    3. 信心称义:凡相信耶稣基督的人,因信称义,与神和好(罗马书5:1)。


    1. 重生:圣灵使人重生,成为新造的人(约翰福音3:5-6)。

    2. 引导:圣灵引导信徒明白真理(约翰福音16:13)。

    3. 成圣:圣灵帮助信徒在生活中追求圣洁(加拉太书5:16-25)。


    1. 基督的身体:教会是基督的身体,信徒是其中的肢体(哥林多前书12:27)。

    2. 团契和敬拜:信徒应当彼此相交,敬拜神(希伯来书10:25)。

    3. 大使命:教会的使命是传扬福音,使万民作主的门徒(马太福音28:19-20)。


    1. 基督再来:耶稣基督将再来,审判活人和死人(使徒行传1:11)。

    2. 新天新地:神会创造新天新地,永远与祂的子民同在(启示录21:1-4)。


    Bible Foundational Classes

    • Course Introduction

    • Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    We are pleased to announce that we will be launching a new foundational Bible course. This course aims to help everyone gain a deeper understanding of the doctrines and stories of the Bible, enhancing our faith and spiritual growth.

    In this course, we will systematically study various parts of the Bible, including the main content of the Old and New Testaments. Through in-depth lectures and group discussions, everyone will have the opportunity to explore the wisdom and teachings of the Bible and apply them to our daily lives.

    Whether you are just beginning to explore faith or wish to deepen your understanding of the Bible, this course will provide valuable resources and support. We look forward to the participation of every member, growing together in God's word.

    May God bless each of our efforts and dedication in our studies.

    Bible Foundational Class Syllabus

    Course Overview

    This course aims to help students gain a deep understanding of the basic doctrines and stories of the Bible through thematic lectures and systematic Bible study. Regardless of the students' faith background, they can find inspiration and growth opportunities within this course.

    Course Schedule

    Teaching Methods

    Thematic Lectures: Begin with thematic lectures to explain basic truths, helping new believers to build a solid foundation.

    Systematic Bible Study: Followed by systematic Bible study to deeply understand the main content and doctrines of the Bible.

    Group Discussion: Promote interaction and exchange of ideas among students through group discussions.

    Practical Application: Encourage students to apply biblical teachings to real life and share their practical experiences.

    Course Objectives

    Enable students to fully understand the basic stories and doctrines of the Bible.

    Cultivate students' ability to independently read and understand the Bible.

    Help students apply biblical teachings to daily life, enhancing faith and spiritual growth.

    May God guide us in every step of our Bible study, growing together in His word.

    • Thematic Outline

      The main doctrines of the Bible can be explained through the following themes to help the saints establish basic biblical knowledge:

      I. The Attributes of God

      1. The Oneness of God: The Bible teaches that there is only one true God (Deuteronomy 6:4).

      2. The Omnipotence of God: God is almighty, and He created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1).

      3. The Omniscience of God: God knows everything, including our thoughts and intentions (Psalm 139:1-4).

      4. The Holiness of God: God is completely holy and without blemish (Isaiah 6:3).

      II. The Fall of Man

      1. Creation: Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).

      2. The Fall: The sin of Adam and Eve led to the fall of all mankind (Genesis 3).

      3. Consequences: The result of sin is separation from God and death (Romans 6:23).

      III. Redemption

      1. The Birth of Jesus Christ: God loves the world and sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to be born as a man (John 3:16).

      2. The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus: Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was resurrected on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4).

      3. Justification by Faith: Those who believe in Jesus Christ are justified by faith and reconciled to God (Romans 5:1).

      IV. The Work of the Holy Spirit

      1. Regeneration: The Holy Spirit regenerates people, making them new creations (John 3:5-6).

      2. Guidance: The Holy Spirit guides believers into all truth (John 16:13).

      3. Sanctification: The Holy Spirit helps believers pursue holiness in their lives (Galatians 5:16-25).

      V. The Church

      1. The Body of Christ: The church is the body of Christ, and believers are its members (1 Corinthians 12:27).

      2. Fellowship and Worship: Believers should fellowship with each other and worship God (Hebrews 10:25).

      3. The Great Commission: The mission of the church is to preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20).

      VI. Eschatology

      1. The Second Coming of Christ: Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead (Acts 1:11).

      2. The New Heaven and New Earth: God will create a new heaven and new earth, dwelling with His people forever (Revelation 21:1-4).

      Through the explanation of these themes, the saints can establish a basic understanding of biblical doctrines and be strengthened in their faith journey.