WCCC 2024

July 24-28

Conference theme: Run with endurance the race that is set before us (Heb 12:1)


Topic 1: Those who run the heavenly race (see Heb 12:1)

- Surrounded by a cloud of witnesses (Heb 11, 12:1)

Topic 2: Desiring a better country, a heavenly one (Heb 11:16)

- Living stones and Spiritual house (1Pet 2: 4-5)

Topic 3: Moses treasured the reproach of Christ … (Heb 11:26)

- Share in the sufferings of Christ (1Peter 4:13)

Topic 4: For a little while, He who is coming will come (Heb 10:37)

- Waiting for and hastening the day of God (2Pet 3:12)

The invited speakers will be Brothers Godwin Sun (topic 1), Ted Peng (topic 2), Dana Congdon (topic 3), and Timothy Kwok (topic 4). Many other brothers and sisters will be serving the youth and junior meetings, the children’s classes, and many discussion groups. The conference logistics will be served by saints in the Los Angeles area.

Please pray for the following:

1, For the Lord to gain what He desires in this conference,

2, For the speakers who are waiting before the Lord for guidance,

3, For saints at various places waiting to meet the Lord at the conference,

4, For the younger generation to be inspired by the Lord at the conference,

5, For brothers and sisters planning for the youth, junior and children’s meetings,

6, For saints in the Los Angeles area who are preparing for various logistic services

Registration will start on April 15th, 2024. Detailed guidelines will be sent to you before April 10th. We urge brothers and sisters to attend the conference full time.


- 见证人如同雲彩圍著我們(希伯來書 11,12:1)

2:羨慕天上更美的家鄉(希伯來書 11:16)

- 活石和靈宫(彼得前書2:4-5)

3:摩西寶贵為基督所受的凌辱 …(希伯来書 11:26)

- 與基督一同受苦(彼得前書 4:13)


- 仰望并催促神的日子来到 (彼得後書 3:12)

這次邀請的講員是孫國鐸弟兄(分題1), 彭廣純弟兄(分題2), 康登弟兄(分題3),和郭定強弟兄(分題4)。其他弟兄姊妹們將一同服事青年、少年、兒童、還有許多討論小組。聚會的事務將由洛杉磯地區的弟兄姊妹服事。


1, 為主在這次特會得到祂所要得到的禱告,

2, 為講員們在主面前的等候禱告,

3, 為各地聖徒等候在特會中遇見主禱告,

4, 為年輕的一代在特會中被主激勵禱告,

5, 為預備青少年和兒童聚會的弟兄姊妹們禱告,

6, 為洛杉磯弟兄們籌備各樣事務禱告。

